Direct HireMaid Job Seeker Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. Ensure all questions are answered correctly and thoroughly. Layout Please ensure photo are according to this guide Upload Photo * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Full Name Follow Passport (Nama lengkap sesuai pasport) *Date of Birth (Tanggal lahir) *Age (Umur) *Place of Birth (Tempat lahir) *Height (Tinggi badan) *Weight (Barat badan) *Residential Home Address (Alamat rumah) *Residential Number (Nomor tel rumah) *Airport Name (Name bandara) *Race (Orang apa) *Religion (Agama) *Educational Level (Sekolah tamatan apa?) *Total Brother & Sister (Berapa bersaudara?) *0123456789>9Age (Umur)Marital Status (Status Perkhawinan) *SingleMarriedDivorcedWidowedTotal Number of Children (Ada berapa anak) *0123456789>9Age (Umur anak?)Have Tattoo? (Ada tato atau tidak) *NoYesHave Operation? (Pernah operasi atau tidak) *NoYesAre you afraid of dogs? (Apakah takut anjing?) *NoYes MUST FILL UP COMPLETE WORK EXPERIENCE FOR ALL EMPLOYER 1 BY 1 1st Employer1st Employer at?LayoutCountry (Negara pengalaman) *Total child that you take care? (Jumlah anak yang kamu jaga) *0123456789>0From Year to Year? (Dari tahun sampai tahun) *Employer Child Age? (Umur anak majikan)Employer Race? (Majikan orang apa) *Type of House (Rumah jenis apa) *Have Ah Ma or Ah Kong that can walk or not (elderly)? (Pernah jaga org tua ?bisa jalan atau tak) *How many members of the employer family? (Berapa orang dirumah majikan?) *Reason must write why not continue work with current employer. (Alasan kenapa tidak sambung kerja) *2nd Employer2nd Employer at?LayoutCountry (Negara pengalaman) *Total child that you take care? (Jumlah anak yang kamu jaga) *0123456789>0From Year to Year? (Dari tahun sampai tahun) * Employer Child Age? (Umur anak majikan)Employer Race? (Majikan orang apa) *Type of House (Rumah jenis apa) *Have Ah Ma or Ah Kong that can walk or not (elderly)? (Pernah jaga org tua ?bisa jalan atau tak) *How many members of the employer family? (Berapa orang dirumah majikan?) *Reason must write why not continue work with current employer. (Alasan kenapa tidak sambung kerja) *3rd Employer3rd Employer at?LayoutCountry (Negara pengalaman) *Total child that you take care? (Jumlah anak yang kamu jaga) *0123456789>0From Year to Year? (Dari tahun sampai tahun) *Employer Child Age? (Umur anak majikan)Employer Race? (Majikan orang apa) *Type of House (Rumah jenis apa) *Have Ah Ma or Ah Kong that can walk or not (elderly)? (Pernah jaga org tua ?bisa jalan atau tak) *How many members of the employer family? (Berapa orang dirumah majikan?) *Reason must write why not continue work with current employer. (Alasan kenapa tidak sambung kerja) *No.4 EmployerNo.4 Employer at?LayoutCountry (Negara pengalaman) *Total child that you take care? (Jumlah anak yang kamu jaga) *0123456789>0From Year to Year? (Dari tahun sampai tahun) *Employer Child Age? (Umur anak majikan)Employer Race? (Majikan orang apa) *Type of House (Rumah jenis apa) *Have Ah Ma or Ah Kong that can walk or not (elderly)? (Pernah jaga org tua ?bisa jalan atau tak) *How many members of the employer family? (Berapa orang dirumah majikan?) *Reason must write why not continue work with current employer. (Alasan kenapa tidak sambung kerja) *No.5 EmployerNo.5 Employer at?LayoutCountry (Negara pengalaman) *Total child that you take care? (Jumlah anak yang kamu jaga) *0123456789>0From Year to Year? (Dari tahun sampai tahun) *Employer Child Age? (Umur anak majikan)Employer Race? (Majikan orang apa) *Type of House (Rumah jenis apa) *Have Ah Ma or Ah Kong that can walk or not (elderly)? (Pernah jaga org tua ?bisa jalan atau tak) *How many members of the employer family? (Berapa orang dirumah majikan?) *Reason must write why not continue work with current employer. (Alasan kenapa tidak sambung kerja) *No.6 EmployerNo.6 Employer at?LayoutCountry (Negara pengalaman) *Total child that you take care? (Jumlah anak yang kamu jaga) *0123456789>0From Year to Year? (Dari tahun sampai tahun) *Employer Child Age? (Umur anak majikan)Employer Race? (Majikan orang apa) *Type of House (Rumah jenis apa) *Have Ah Ma or Ah Kong that can walk or not (elderly)? (Pernah jaga org tua ?bisa jalan atau tak) *How many members of the employer family? (Berapa orang dirumah majikan?) *Reason must write why not continue work with current employer. (Alasan kenapa tidak sambung kerja) *No.7 EmployerNo.7 Employer at?LayoutCountry (Negara pengalaman) *Total child that you take care? (Jumlah anak yang kamu jaga) *0123456789>0From Year to Year? (Dari tahun sampai tahun) *Employer Child Age? (Umur anak majikan)Employer Race? (Majikan orang apa) *Type of House (Rumah jenis apa) *Have Ah Ma or Ah Kong that can walk or not (elderly)? (Pernah jaga org tua ?bisa jalan atau tak) *How many members of the employer family? (Berapa orang dirumah majikan?) *Reason must write why not continue work with current employer. (Alasan kenapa tidak sambung kerja) *LayoutDid u cook, what dishes? (Kamu bisa masak?bisa masakan apa aja?) *Can cook china food (Apakah bisa memasak masakan cina?)) *Can speak what language (Bisa berbicara bahasa apa) *Remark prefer job? (Catatan pekerjaan yang diinginkan) *Maid HP Number (Nomor HP Pembantu) *EA Web (Situs Web EA) *Maid Full Name (Nama Lengkap Pemilik Rekening) *Bank Name (Nama Bank) *Bank Account Number (Nomor Rekening) *Phone Number (Nomor Telepon) * 💜Cash advance money will receive during 7days from deploy date (Uang muka tunai akan diterima dalam waktu 7 hari dari tanggal penempatan) Passport Upload * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. I allow Greatlink to show all my biodata to my potential employer. *I allow Greatlink to show all my biodata to my potential employer.Submit