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Does Age Matter when Employing a Maid in Singapore?

Absolutely, yes.

When hiring a helper, consider your family’s primary need:

If caring for a newborn is your priority, an older helper with experience caring for children of similar ages may offer valuable expertise. On the other hand, a younger helper who has experience raising her own child and is willing to learn could also meet your needs, especially if you prefer someone to share night feeding shifts and be trained by you.

For elderly care, a middle-aged helper may facilitate comfortable communication and provide a sense of ease for the elderly. Alternatively, a younger helper with relevant experience and energy to tend to the elderly throughout the day could also be suitable, especially if they can adjust to the elderly’s temperament.

Ultimately, consider the specific requirements of your family and the abilities and experiences of potential helpers to find the best fit for your hiring objectives.

Before hiring a helper, consider the physical demands of their job, such as heavy cleaning and climbing stairs, and ensure they can handle it. Clearly communicate the extent of work required and assess their suitability based on age and physical capabilities. By helping your helper understand their daily schedule and workload, you can make a better choice for your household.

What Are Some Of The Toughest Parts Of Your Helper’s Jobscope?

1.Physical Demands: Tasks like heavy household cleaning and climbing stairs can be physically challenging. Assess whether your helper can handle these activities on a daily basis.

2.Clear Expectations: Clearly define the extent of work required, including frequency and specific areas of cleaning. Ensure your helper understands the workload before hiring.

3.Age Consideration: Reflect on your helper’s age in relation to the job’s demands. While younger helpers may have more energy, older helpers may bring experience. Determine your preference regarding age suitability for your household needs.

By carefully considering these factors, you can help your helper better understand their role and make an informed decision about their suitability for your household.

Conducting Candid Interviews with Shortlisted Helpers

During the interview process with your shortlisted helpers, ensure to address their preferences, especially regarding how they prefer to be addressed, and inquire about their job history, including any past experiences related to age-related matters. Clearly communicate the job scope and expectations, and ask about any previous instances where the helper had to change jobs, considering if age played a role. By conducting a comprehensive interview, you can gather pertinent information to make an informed decision about the suitability of the helper for your household.

Your Personal Experience with Hiring Helpers

Whether it’s hiring a younger or older helper, it’s important to establish clear communication, set expectations, and foster a positive working relationship. If you’re new to hiring a helper, being open to learning and adapting alongside your chosen helper can contribute to a successful employment relationship.

Understanding Your Helper’s Commitments and Motivations

Consider your helper’s commitments back home, such as family, dependents, or financial obligations like installments to support. An older helper may have more of these responsibilities compared to a younger, single helper.

However, keep in mind that age doesn’t necessarily dictate motivation. Even younger helpers can have strong motivations for seeking work overseas.

During discussions with your helper, inquire about their motivations for traveling to Singapore to work. Understanding their reasons can provide insight into their commitment and dedication to their job.

Additionally, discuss their plans for the near future. Knowing their goals and aspirations can help in fostering a supportive and mutually beneficial working relationship.

Tailoring Your Helper Selection to Your Household’s Needs

By prioritizing your family’s needs and clearly communicating them from the start, you can ensure a smoother hiring process and a better match with your potential helper.

Greatlink can assist you in finding a helper who meets your preferred age requirements and is well-suited to your family’s needs. When a helper’s age aligns with the job requirements, the likelihood of a successful employment relationship increases.

Open communication and collaboration with us can lead to a more satisfactory outcome for both you and your helper.

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